

In between stints of conducting the Westmont Orchestra, 毕业典礼 speaker Michael Shasberger told the 2022 graduates they’d attain their greatest happiness when they discovered how to give away what they valued most. 巧合的是,总统盖尔. Beebe introduced Shasberger with news that donors had given $1 million to create the Michael Shasberger Student Scholarship Fund for Music.


“It’s a fitting tribute for one who has drawn so many of our students into a richer, more meaningful experience because of their love and participation in one of our music programs,毕比说.

Shasberger, who came to Westmont in 2005 as the inaugural Adams professor of music and worship, 今年5月,他带领乐团进行了最后一次巡演, 在萨尔茨堡演出, Vienna and Prague and participating in the American Celebration of Music in Austria.

“The spirit, joy and vision he has brought to campus will never be forgotten,毕比说. “迈克尔是一位真正的学院派企业家. 一个人有如此多的创造力. 他带来了最惊人的能量, enthusiasm and a habitual pursuit of excellence that has blessed our campus and wider community. He lives with a buoyant optimism — and that joy is simply infectious.”


和约翰。F. 肯尼迪的书《ag娱乐官网》,” Shasberger spoke about “Profiles in Learning” to pay homage to seven teachers who blessed his life and academic journey. “I can’t promise like the Wizard of Oz did that I can give you joy in learning or discipline or optimism, leadership skills or energetic spirit or a zeal for questioning the system or even an excitement for overcoming challenges and enduring failure all tied up in some nice little package,他说. “But I will come out from behind the curtain as he did and tell you that you have been equipped already, 是我的同事们做的, 在你自己身上找到这样的品质. 我希望这样做, 你会用它们来鼓励别人, 因为我们蒙召是要彼此建立, 以身作则, 分享我们所拥有的天赋. I will suggest that your greatest gifts and fulfilling happiness will likely be attained when you discover how to give what you most value away.

“哦,还有一件事. I have always wanted to hear a Com­mencement speaker say this: ‘What an amazing 毕业典礼 orchestra!’”


Westmont Medal recipients Steven and Denise Fellows said though neither they nor their daughters attended Westmont, 他们相信使命, 学院的方向和愿景. “We want to be a part of something bigger than ourselves,” Steven said. “我们相信支持你, 坚韧不拔的2022届毕业生和你们的同学们, 无论是在基金会董事会任职, helping to provide financial support for the college or serving on the Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing program, being a part and making a difference in the community is what it means to be a servant of Christ.

当你在神呼召你去的地方服事, you will find it to be far more meaningful and rewarding than seeking prestige, 地位或金钱收益.”

“We consider it a privilege to engage with the faculty, 工作人员和行政人员在我们的日常生活中,丹尼斯说. “You, the Westmont community, minister to us more than we might minister to you.”


Graduate Michael Kong shared that before he arrived at Westmont, his mother died following a five-year battle with cancer. He questioned his faith that had its foundation on receiving love and acceptance through her. “I’ve realized it was actually God loving me through her,他说. “The harsh reality is that while we must be grateful for the way that God expresses his love through other people, we must be careful not to love people more than the actual source of that love.”

毕业生泰勒·马赫, 反思《ag娱乐官网》第25篇的经典诗句, said she had experienced hopelessness and fear that God would aban­don her in her most vulnerable moments. “当我重新学会信任, I find that Christ is guiding me toward himself through the brokenness,她说。. “He is already in the process of redeeming our minds, 的身体, 系统和ag娱乐官网, and he is using them to reveal his presence within.”

万里无云的蓝天下带着温暖, 温柔的微风, 267 graduates walked across the stage to receive their diplomas on Thorrington Field, 有119名学生获得荣誉.


总共117名金勇士, 谁是1970年毕业的, 1971 or 1972, marched in the procession to celebrate their 50th reunions (see pages 92-94). 其中包括72岁的比尔·赖特, former longtime Westmont associate provost and direc­tor of off campus programs; John Draper ’71, former assistant director of Westmont risk and emergency management; and Dana Alexander ’70, 长期担任西mont生活规划总监.

Edee Schulze, vice president for student life, presented the student awards. Patty Kerman (volleyball) and Jason Peterson (track and field) won Dean’s Awards for their excellence in the classroom, superior contributions to their teams and deep faith in Christ.

Kong earned the Dave Dolan Award for his campus leadership and significant contributions to the college’s awareness and response to the social and spiritual needs of the community, 国家和世界.

Hannah 格里尔生家族的 and Chapman Canlis received Kenneth Monroe Awards for demonstrating superior academic achieve­ment in the classroom, 优秀的校园领导, and influencing other students’ lives through their integrity, 品格与忠诚.

Acting Provost Rick Ifland gave the 教师 Scholarship Awards to Talia Bjelland, 格里尔生家族的, 玛吉海恩, 孔和约书亚·菲利普斯, 谁都得了满分4分.在威斯蒙特大学的四年里,他们的平均绩点都是0.

He announced the Bruce and Adaline Bare Outstanding Teacher Awards recognizing four professors: Sameer Yadav (religious studies), 黛博拉·邓恩(传播学), Amanda Silberstein (chemistry) and Holly Beers (religious studies).

费利西亚之歌, 社会学教授, 获得学院研究奖, 给一位教员,他, 在同事眼中, 作为一个学者意味着什么. 她的新书, “不安分的设备:恢复人格”, Presence and Place in the Digital Age” (Intervarsity Press Academic), teaches how to live wisely in a digitally saturated society.

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